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Enter the Tdot Shots Toronto Photo Contest May 15 – July 1 2020

Tdot Shots Create Community Photo Contest 2020

by | May 15, 2020

CREATE COMMUNITY is the name of this year’s contest, part of the events produced by Tdot Shots, an organization promoting photography and art in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).

Are you a Toronto-based photographer, video producer or artist? You can enter your work in the Tdot Shots (@tdot_shots on Instagram) and win one of 3 $100 printing prizes from Prolab Canada (@prolabcanada).

During the pandemic it’s difficult to capture fresh photography so a special component of the contest is the “GTA FFA.” The category is a “free for all” of edits from a photo pool of RAW images provided by local photographers. Regular photography categories comprise the other two areas qualifying for prizes.

These categories are “City and Town” aka urban landscapes and “Community” which comprises street and portrait photography.

The organizers remind us to “Stay Home and Shoot Local” in their COVID-19 disclaimer.

Contest Categories:

  • GTA FFA (edits)
  • City and Town (urban landscape)
  • Community (street and portrait)

The Tdot Shots Create Community contest provides ample opportunity to post your own images and media and network with other creatives in the Toronto area. Tdot Shots is especially known for its events like photo walks and annual contest, and promoting the work of up and coming local photographers. (Tdot Blog is part of the Tdot Shots group).

Rules are simple: between May 15 and July 1, use hashtag #tdot_cc20 and be sure to follow Tdot Shots and Prolab on IG. Photos and video should be taken in the Greater toronto and Golden Horseshoe regions. More information including full rules can be found at and at their IG page.

For more information visit supports community and creators in Toronto. Follow our Instagram pages @tdot_shots @tdotdotcom